Onew Won the Honorary Title of "top Ten Vr/ar/ic Innovative Enterprises in the World"

2021-10-25 17:23:42

On August 15, the 5th (2020) global 5g + VR / AI / IC application summit, the main forum of the 8th China electronic information Expo, "new digital infrastructure, 5g new cohesion", was grandly held in the bougainvillea Hall of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. Leaders from national ministries and commissions, local governments, 5g + VR / AI / IC industry experts, scholars and leaders gathered together to concentrate on the new infrastructure of digital economy Seek common development!

Onew Won the Honorary Title of

With the theme of "new digital infrastructure, 5g new cohesion", the summit is guided by the Ministry of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China and the Shenzhen Municipal People's government, hosted by Shenzhen Virtual Reality Industry Federation, and co sponsored by Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., China Science and Technology Association, China electronic information Expo (CITE) organizing committee, etc, Undertaken by Dawan District VR / AI industry innovation center and Shenzhen elephant virtual reality Education Development Co., Ltd. With the characteristics of "internationalization, high-end and specialization", we hope to build a high-quality platform for global 5g industrial cooperation and resource integration through conferences, exhibitions and competitions. The summit invited 50 + listed enterprises, 50 + scientific research institutions, 30 + investment institutions, 30 media institutions and 600 + audience to gather innovative forces and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Onew Won the Honorary Title of

Under the guidance of the Ministry of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China and the Shenzhen People's government, the "sky pigeon Award" is jointly sponsored by Shenzhen Virtual Reality Industry Federation, the Organizing Committee of China electronic information Expo and other institutions, and undertaken by Shenzhen elephant culture and Technology Industry Co., Ltd. to help promote the innovation and application of science and technology!

Onew Won the Honorary Title of

    At the "dove Award" ceremony, Onew won the honorary title of "top ten VR / AR / IC innovative enterprises in the world". Since its establishment in 2012, Onew is the first company in China to put forward virtual reality technology+ industrial application solutions. Based on VR / AR / MR technology, Onew is oriented to vocational education, medical treatment, safety education, military and national defense Intelligent robots and driving training services are developed, and multi series virtual reality simulation systems and related services with leading technology are provided. Over the past eight years, Onew has steadily overcome the pain points of the industry and become the label of Onew. It has more than 100 achievements in independent research and development of intellectual property rights and 16 invention patents, of which many products have won the honor of excellent innovative products in the industry. This time, Onew has won the honorary title of "the world's top ten VR / Ar / IC innovative enterprises", and Onew will make full use of it Taking the development opportunity of the era of "new digital infrastructure, 5g new cohesion", we continue to deepen the research and development of VR / Ar / MR technology, help create better VR / Ar / MR products for customers, and then promote the development and empowerment of the industry!

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